Monica Gilbert


Physiotherapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Integrative Manual Therapy

Monica Gilbert

Monica graduated from the School of Physiotherapy University of Dublin Ireland, in 1983. She is practicing as a registered physiotherapist in Ontario since 1986. Monica is a highly skilled therapist who takes a holistic approach to finding treatment solutions to common healthcare problems. With over 30 years of experience spanning various fields of physiotherapy such as; pediatrics, orthopedics, sport injuries and neurological issues; Monica has developed a concise and effective way of assessing the different body systems, to find the primary source of the healthcare problem. She integrates various treatment techniques to address the healthcare problem, to alleviate pain, reduce swelling, restore active range of motion and maximize full physical function.

Monica has studied with many innovative instructors in the areas of Craniosacral Therapy, Integrative Manual Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Myofascial Release, Stress release, MEDEK and Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT) techniques. Using a hands on approach Monica uses her hands to listen to, assess the tissues and facilitate healing, to restore pain free physical function. Her goal is to optimise the full physical potential of each individual.

Islington Village Wellness Center, 3329 Bloor St W, Lower Level, Toronto, Ontario